Friday, June 1, 2007

Breakfast and Basilica

Breakfast room at Pensione Guerrato
This is the breakfast room. How adorable! It looks so painterly. So, one of my goals on this trip is to make artwork in media other than photography. That's a big step for me, as photo is all I really think about. So, I'm going to keep my photos to happy snaps and maybe use them, as well as this incredible place, as inspiration for new, different work. Maybe I'll paint this room? Or the coffee cup on the table...maybe I should start modestly.

Flooded San Marco Square
After breakfast I went to see San Marco Basilica. The church is huge, ornate, and beautiful. It's a byzantine style church. I went so early that the square in front of the church was flooded. I guess that happens daily in Venice. They put up little walkways so that you don't get wet, but I got wet. I decided to admire it from the outside and then go back late morning or around lunch time.

If you click on the link above, you can view the interior of the basilica. It's pretty awesome for those of you who can't be here with me. It's cool for me too because many parts of the basilica are closed off to tourists (because there are so many of us) so this is good way to see parts that one otherwise can't see.

More to come!


Ravi said...

Is it raining there? Or is that the water bubbling up?!

Sonia said...

That's the water bubbling up. Crazy, huh?!